Nena's Corner

I offer services no one asked for.

Will Draw :)

  • OCs

  • Fanart

  • Furries

Will NOT Draw >:(

  • NSFW

  • Seriously, no porn

  • It's fine to be horny but I ain't drawing yer kinks

  • Quality art

$2 Shite Doodle

  • Traditional

  • Taken by a phone camera

  • Bad doodle

  • Ya get what ye paid for

$4 Refrigerator Worthy

  • Traditional

  • Taken by a phone camera

  • Not quite as bad

  • But looks like a kid drew it

  • $2 per add. character

$10 "A Kid Stole the Tablet"

  • Shite drawing but digital

  • Cleaner - Apple juice spill-free

  • Unless the commish is apple juice

  • $4 per add. character

I'd like an actual commish pls

  • No

1. Select desired commission type in my ko-fi
2. Leave ways of contact (such as Twitter or Discord) in donation message. OR Message me on Twitter or Discord (nenenanena) with picture of donation.
3. I yeet the drawing at you. (but not physically. emotionally)

Side Hustles
Available Services

Blue Mage Bomb
- Will Self-Destruct at yer whim.
- 10k gil per explosion.
- Will use a macro to announce that I've been paid to Self-Destruct.
Postlala Delivery Service
- Like the moogle delivery service but worse.
- I can emote at the receiver for you.
- Will do anonymous deliveries.
- Blue Mage Bomb add-on for that extra spice.
- Don't get too excited
- Lower yer expectations

Nenena Nena
Datacenter: Crystal
World: Coeurl

Age: I am totally an adult
Gender: Female
Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell
Residence: Limsa Lominsa
Class: Warrior
Part-time Blue Mage bomb
Part-time Postmaster
Full-time Gremlin
Likes: Alcohol, sweets, goobbues, murder PvP
Dislikes: Cabbages, Void Ark, paying taxes

WIP (LOL Were ya expectin somethin?)

Why ya still 'ere? Go away.